Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thank you friends!

This year was one of the best birthdays I have ever had! Thanks to my friends, and a whole lot of love the weekend of birthday festivities was unforgettable! Check out a some pics from my Very Merry Unbirthday and my climbing trip to Bishop:

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Very Merry Unbirthday

My Birthday weekend starts today! Tonight I am going to dinner, tomorrow morning I have a birthday brunch with mom, and tomorrow night my bestie is throwing me a Very Merry Unbrithday cocktail party! Then I wake up at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning to drive to Bishop and meet up with my friends and climb for two days! (hopefully some new pics to follow). I'm so thankful for all my friends and all the fun that is to come! Here's to a new year of being 28 and fabulous!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Birthday Note From Mom

It's a big year for me. This week I turn 28 and am looking forward to a new year. I have done so much self reflection this last year and have started to feel very sure of who I am. I guess that's what happens when you get as old as me, you start to feel comfortable in your own skin, it's interesting to say the least. Not only have I done a lot of self reflection, but I have learned a lot about where I come from. This year I found my birth father whom I never knew growing up. We are forming a very wonderful friendship and knowing him has given me a sense of self I never could have had. I look at him and my mom and I see all the little pieces that make me who I am and who I am proud to be. I feel whole. I am so very thankful to have both my parents in my life. It is something most people take for granted. I am so lucky to have so much love around me. This morning I woke up to a note from my mom, it was so sweet. It really made my day!
Birthday note from mom:
"So your birth day is coming up....i just want you to know that your birth was , for me, a miracle, it was an event that finally gave me a reason to be, a purpose ......my happiest days were when you were little and i got to teach you to read and write and to watch you discover the big wide world...now you are on the biggest adventure of all..finding your father....i hope that you get to know and love the man that i once loved so much that i kept what i could of him.... YOU. happy birthday baby girl...you are the light of my life...and I'll bet once he meets you he will know what an amazing miracle you are.!!!!!! love forever, mom"

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