The whirlwind jet set tour of my life continues as I head back to Portland this evening. All this traveling has me a little burnt out on stale airplane air and security checks, but at least I have a nice place to rest my head. Here are a few pics of my little home away from home, the Ace hotel and the local area.
The magazine library and Internet lounge at Ace.
My super comfy bed. I am dying to buy one of these moose Portland blankets but they are like $300!
Love the detail at Ace. Look at this cute vintage inspired mailbag they use for laundry.
Custom murals in the rooms. Last time I got a wilderness theme with a little story about "the Portland gentleman".
The mini bar (I mean mini box)!
More murals. This room is so me, it even matched my luggage!
Cute car I spotted in the Pearl.
The mecca of street eats, Portland's famed food carts.
food carts = love :)